Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm accepted for GSoC 08

At about 10:30 PM Finnish time yesterday, I learned that my Google Summer of Code proposal "BOSH support in Gajim" was accepted by the XMPP Standards Foundation. I'll be working on BOSH, a way to tunnel XMPP via HTTP. This is something I found missing in Gajim during my previous job, where only HTTP/S outgoing application traffic was allowed.

The following morning, I was overwhelmed by over 200 new messages from the gsoc-student mailing list. Interestingly, I'm not the only one tackling BOSH this year. Safa Sofuoğlu is also working to improve BOSH support in Openfire, a server implementation I plan to test against.

It's unusual to have my entire summer planned out in mid-April, especially with remnants of snow still visible. Attached is a typical late April snapshot of Finland's nature from Koli National Park.